Varicella & MMRV Vaccine

Chickenpox vaccine
Chickenpox make bean-shaped blisters and fever on body skin, blisters and scabs have the opportunity to leave permanent scars afterwards. People with weak resistance are prone to complications such as scarlet fever and pneumonia. Chickenpox is extremely infectious, especially in young children and in patients in early stage. Once suffering from chickenpox, the body will automatically produce immunity, thus results in lifelong immunity. But chickenpox virus can liet in the body for years. After the activation, "shingles" is caused, of which the most common way of propagation is through direct contact with people. If women are infected with chickenpox in the first three months of pregnancy, it can lead to birth defects, such as limbs atrophy shrink, eyes and central nervous system damage.

  • Patient usually presents with fever and itchy skin rashes.
  • Rashes develop in crops over a period of 5 days on body, then spread to the face, arms and legs.
  • The rashes first appear as flat spots and later as vesicles. The vesicles continue for 3 - 4 days, then dry up and form scabs.
  • The patient usually recovers in about 2 - 4 weeks.
Mode of transmission
  • Mainly spreads through droplets or air.
  • Can also spread through direct or indirect contact with the discharge from vesicles.
  • Maintain good personal and environmental hygiene.
  • Receive chickenpox vaccine. About 90% of persons who receive the vaccine will acquire immunity.

(The Government announced in 2013 that it is expected in 2014 chickenpox vaccine will be included in the government free vaccination program. However, children of 1 year old in 2014 will not be reimbursed to inject chickenpox vaccine, so parents can consider to bring their children to clinics for vaccination, or alternatively vaccinate "MMRV" to get a better protection earlier. )

Injection schedule - 1 year old to 12 years old children can be injected with one vaccine. It is recommended after three months, a booster injection is needed to ensure that children get more comprehensive protection. Neomycin (Neomycin) allergies and pregnant women should not receive chickenpox vaccine.

MMRV vaccine


  • Chickenpox (Varicella) is an acute infectious disease caused by the Varicella-zoster virus. It predominantly affects children under 12 years of age
  • Patient usually presents with fever and itchy skin rashes. Rashes develop in crops on body, then spread to the face, arms and legs
  • The rash can spread over the entire body causing between 250 to 500 itchy blisters in unvaccinated persons
  • It is highly contagious, especially in the early stage of rash eruption It mainly spreads through droplets or air

  • It is a highly infectious disease caused by a virus called Measles virus
  • Affected persons will present initially with fever, runny nose and cough
  • This is followed 3 to 7 days later by red blotchy skin rash, which usually spreads from face o the rest of the body. The rash usually lasts for 4 to 7 days, but can persist for up to 3 weeks
  • Measles spreads through the air by droplets, coughing or sneezing
  • 1 out of 10 children infected with measles gets an ear infection
  • 1 out of 1,000 get encephalitis
  • 1 out of 1,000 die

  • It is an acute infectious disease caused by the Mumps virus
  • It is spreads by the saliva of an infected person while they are talking, coughing and sneezing
  • All ages may be affected although more common in children over 1 year. It is characterized by painful swelling of the salivary glands. Sometimes, there may be complications like deafness, or infection of brain pancreas, testicles or ovary

  • It is caused by the Rubella virus
  • Children usually present with a diffuse rash and enlargement of lymph nodes, but adults may initially experience headache, malaise, mild cough, conjunctivitis and low-grade fever followed by a skin rash
  • Congenital rubelly syndrome is characterized by deafness, eye lesions, heart malformations and mental retardation is likely to occur in infants born to women who got infected during the first 3 months of pregnancy
The MMRV vaccine combines the attenuated virus MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine with the addition of chickenpox vaccine or varicella vaccine (V stands for varicella) to prevention of chickenpox, as well as measles, mumps and rubella, it also put the separating chickenpox injection and measles, mumps and rubella into one vaccine . Measles can cause otitis media, bronchitis, encephalitis and other complications. Mumps can cause hearing loss, ovarian or testicular inflammation; while rubella can cause arthritis, encephalitis, conjunctivitis, miscarriage or birth defects, etc. Except reducing the injection of two vaccines, it can give comprehensive protection the baby at 15 months in advance where the level of prevention against chickenpox is high to 99.8%.

Injection schedule - the first dose of four pox mixed vaccine (MMRV) is injected at 12 months old; while the second dose is selectable for injection during 15-18 months old, or may be completed in 4-6 years old. If children of 6 years old or younger have had the first dose of chickenpox vaccine injection, they may consider taking a booster injection.